Why Nitrogen Gas Springs Use Nitrogen As The Gas Source
As we all know, the gas source of the nitrogen spring is nitrogen, but I wonder if you have thought about why the nitrogen spring should choose nitrogen as the gas source instead of other common gases? The nitrogen gas spring is designed according to the compressibility principle of gas. The nitrogen spring cylinder is filled with a gas to obtain the elastic pressure. The reason for choosing the nitrogen gas spring as the origin of the work has sorted out the following three points for you:
1. First of all, as the gas source selection for nitrogen springs, this gas needs to be relatively easy to obtain. Nitrogen, as a gas with a content of up to 75% in air, is easy to obtain and has a relatively low cost. It is a good choice;
2. We all know that nitrogen is a relatively stable, non-toxic and non-corrosive inert gas, and nitrogen is not a flammable and flammable gas. It is also an ideal gas source for nitrogen springs in terms of safety. choose.
3. Under normal circumstances, the place where the family supplies oxygen will be supplied with nitrogen. As a common commodity, nitrogen is supplied in the market in the form of nitrogen cylinders. Generally, its rated standard pressure is 15MPa. When nitrogen is used, no additional booster pump device is required. Moreover, the installation and adjustment of the nitrogen cylinder is as convenient as the installation and use of the oxygen cylinder. If air is used as the air source, it is necessary to use an air compressor to obtain a certain pressure. At the same time, in order to obtain pure air, it is necessary to remove excess moisture, oil and dust impurities in the air. The direct use of air as the air source requires special air drying and purification devices such as air filters, oil eliminators, air dryers, aftercoolers and air storage tanks. Compared with using air as the air source, using nitrogen as the air source is obviously more efficient. Affordable.
The above is the knowledge content about why the nitrogen spring should choose nitrogen as the gas source, I hope it can be helpful to you!